Solving efficiency challenge with new engineered solutions

1 February 2017

Global leader in subsea technology and services, Ashtead Technology, is launching a new service to increase efficiency and drive down risk and cost in subsea and marine operations.

By applying its engineering and technical know-how to solve specific subsea challenges, Ashtead has already delivered integrated product applications to several of its clients and is currently using this approach on projects worth £6million.

This has spurred Ashtead on to establish a dedicated Engineered Measurement Solutions Group to focus exclusively on this solutions-based approach to complex applications, including attitude monitoring, vibration and stress monitoring, optical metrology, data communications, engineering data analysis and integrity management.

Ross Macleod, Ashtead Technology’s Technical Director, said: “Ashtead Technology sees a very different future within the offshore sector where cost efficiency is not just talked about but is inherent in every project or operation. Our aim is to provide integrated solutions that reduce vessel-time and allow subsea infrastructure to be more efficiently managed through its lifecycle.

“We see real-time, remote information connectivity from subsea to desktop as an essential part of this transformation. Capturing high quality, accurate information in real-time from underwater equipment and infrastructure allows operators to make quicker, better informed decisions which can dramatically reduce costs and risk.”

Centred in Ashtead Technology’s global headquarters in Aberdeen, the new group will deliver global solutions across the drilling, construction, production, asset integrity and decommissioning sectors.

Allan Pirie, Ashtead Technology’s CEO, added: “The development of our solutions service along with our recent expansion in the Middle East allows us to work much more closely with our clients to effect essential change within our industry.”

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