Ashtead Technology is sponsoring the Bubbleheads

22 October 2021

Ashtead Technology is delighted to be sponsoring The Bubbleheads, a team of four deep sea saturation divers who will be taking part in the 2021 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. This epic contest sees competing teams attempt to cross the world’s second largest ocean, the Atlantic, in a rowing boat.

Chris Ayres, Lewis Locke, James Piper and Andy Taw will take on this gruelling 3000-mile row, encountering physical and mental extremes as they battle to get their boat safely across the expanse of ocean in the shortest time possible. The driving motivation for their journey is James’ wish to raise money for Wessex Cancer Trust following the loss of his wife Nikki, in March 2020, to a rare and aggressive form of cancer. The organisation had provided endless support for the family for six years following Nikki’s diagnosis. Funds raised will also go to support the Royal British Legion, a charity dedicated to supporting serving and ex-serving personnel and their families. 

In December 2021 Chris, Lewis, James and Andy will set out from La Gomera in the Canary Islands, aiming to land in Antigua in the Caribbean within 29 days to beat the 2018 record. This is an ambitious target that will require all of their combined effort, determination and courage.

Everyone in the Ashtead Technology team wishes Chris, Lewis, James and Andy all the very best in achieving this goal.

To find out more about the challenge, the crew taking part, or to make a donation you can visit the dedicated Bubbleheads website or follow them on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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