Ashtead Technology offers a wide range of oceanographic solutions designed to streamline, simplify and improve the data recording process during oceanographic data collection.
Our data telemetry packages, offshore environmental monitoring systems and subsea data acquisition solutions add value to your oceanographic project. Tailored to the unique requirements of each client, these vital asset integrity solutions ensure oceanographic conditions are accurately quantified before, during and after offshore operations.
Ashtead Technology’s oceanographic solutions include a wide range of real-time and self-recording wave, wind, temperature and current measurement systems along with advanced subsea sondes. We can integrate the measurement systems to include data telemetry including subsea acoustics, optical, DSL and wireless capabilities, as well as surface satellite, MESH, UHF and VHF data transmission. Throughout the monitoring period, meteorological measurements can be accurately assessed in real-time or post-processed from pre-recorded data.