The offshore energy industry is constantly evolving, and in 2024, remote operations are increasingly important. Ashtead Technology is proud to offer this service that not only enhances safety and agility but also promotes sustainability.

What are remote operations?

Remote operations involve performing offshore tasks from onshore locations. This can include using advanced technologies, like underwater robots and real-time data analysis to inspect equipment, monitor well integrity, and even perform maintenance.

Ashtead Technology is a leader in remote operations, supporting our customers safely, flexibly and sustainably.

This rise of remote operations

Traditionally, the offshore energy sector has been characterized by complex, resource-intensive operations with inherent safety hazards. However, the industry’s focus on sustainability and cost-efficiency has led to the exploration of remote operations as a solution. Remote operations involve the use of unstaffed or minimally staffed vessels or platforms to conduct a wide range of offshore tasks, including inspections, maintenance, drilling and production.

The digital revolution has significantly impacted offshore operations, fostering the adoption of advanced remote technologies like unmanned surface vessels (USVs), remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). These technologies have revolutionised the industry by reducing travel costs, bolstering safety and efficiency, and paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient future of offshore energy.

Why join the revolution?

  • Safety: By reducing the number of personnel required offshore, remote operations can significantly decrease the risk of accidents and injuries
  • Cost-effectiveness: Remote operations eliminate the costs of mobilising personnel, making projects more economical
  • Sustainability: Remote operations help reduce emissions by minimising the required size of vessels and reducing personnel transits (air travel, helicopters vessel port calls), promoting environmental responsibility
  • Efficiency: Remote operations centres allow specialists to collaborate seamlessly, regardless of location, leading to fast project completion.

Ashtead Technology’s Remote Operations expertise

Ashtead Technology boasts a proven track record in remote operations, with dedicated remote operations centres in the UK and Canada. Our Asset Integrity team utilise technologies like machine vision measurement systems and 3D imaging technology for remote inspections, ensuring the highest quality standards.

We have successfully delivered remote inspection projects around the globe, including the North Sea, West Africa, Australia, Brazil, Southeast Asia and the USA. Our remote operations solutions offer our customers flexibility and reliability. This is achieved by allowing inspection vessels to remain on-site and conduct additional work scopes eliminating unnecessary port returns

Our remote operations teams can be mobilised within 48 hours, provide continuous 24/7 coverage, and immediately stand down upon project competition. We also provide hybrid remote operations, combining the flexibility of remote service with on-site technical support through a model where one offshore operator collaborates with a back-to-back onshore remote operator, each working 12 hours.

The future of Remote Operations

As technology continues to advance, we can expect remote operations to become even more established. Ashtead Technology is well-positioned to be a leader in this field, offering customers the tools and expertise they need to succeed in today’s competitive environment.

What motivated you to pursue a career in engineering?

I have always been interested in electronics and engineering, so I decided to study this at college and see where it took me. Being one of few female students at Moray College Technical Campus was slightly daunting to begin with, especially after having a large group of female friends in high school. However, I settled in quickly, which made me even more determined to make my mark in the engineering world.

How has Ashtead Technology supported your career?

Since joining Ashtead Technology two years ago, my colleagues offshore as well as the office staff have been very supportive of me – both personally and professionally.  The collaborative and supportive culture within the company has greatly contributed to my growth in my role, providing reassurance that I have a network of colleagues who are willing to offer their expertise and assistance whenever needed.

Could you tell us about a project you have particularly enjoyed working on during your time at Ashtead Technology?

My career was driven by a deep fascination with the subsea environment. The nature of the subsea industry and the complex challenges associated with its exploration and development ignited a strong interest within me. The energy sector’s dynamism and unwavering commitment to continuous innovation and progress make it a truly fascinating field. It is an industry that presents endless of opportunities for growth and positive impact, making it highly inspiring.

Could you tell us about a project you have particularly enjoyed working on during your time at Ashtead Technology? 
My first project with Ashtead Technology was the NNG Offshore Wind Farm. During this project, I spent time on several vessels in the field and met some lovely people! The project came with its challenges, which allowed me to further my knowledge of Ashtead Technology systems and gain valuable experience liaising with clients and other working parties onboard the vessels.  

While on the project I was working as part of a 3-person survey team, operating and maintaining the SCT (Sonar Calliper Tool) and UCS Dredge tool. After another vessel had drilled into the seabed and installed the casings, we could deploy the SCT to carry out scans in the socket. Once all the information had been gathered, a report would be complied by the Ashtead Technology team and issued to the client onboard.  

In your opinion, what are some key initiatives or strategies that can help encourage more women to enter the engineering field?

I believe that an early exposure to STEM is important. Engaging with STEM subjects from a young age can build confidence in girls, making them more likely to pursue further education and careers in these areas. Normalising women in engineering is equally important. Some girls may be scared to break the mould and come away from the ‘stereotypical’ female careers due to lack of role models and support. I’m passionate about encouraging more women to pursue careers in engineering – I always enjoy talking to young females interested in pursuing a career in a ‘male dominated environment’. 

What advice would you give to females looking to get into engineering?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and explore all your career options! Engineers are required in almost every industry, not just offshore. By keeping an open mind and investigating various fields, you can find a career path that truly aligns with your interests and skills.