Matthew Brown joined Ashtead Technology as a Workshop Technician, before being promoted to Senior Workshop Technician last year. Matthew works alongside other Senior Workshop Technicians to ensure the smooth running of the workshop, and providing technical support to our clients. He is also involved in the development of new products and services.

We asked Matthew to reflect on his time with Ashtead Technology and to offer insights and advice to trainees embarking on their careers in the subsea technology industry.

What did you study at college and what interested you in this field?

Originally, I wanted to study physics at university, but like to many, I didn’t get the grades I needed. Instead, I saw it as a chance to change direction and went to college to study Electronics.

I chose Electronics because it offers many opportunities for future careers. There are various paths you can take once you have the qualification.

What have been the positives to starting your career on a Trainee programme?

You receive hands-on training directly from industry experts, enabling you to apply theoretical knowledge under the mentorship of experienced team members. A clear career progression path is laid out for you, based on achieving competency targets, allowing you to continuously enhance your skill set and provide advancements in your career. Plus, you can earn income while gaining invaluable knowledge and skills.

What do you enjoy about working in the Survey & Robotics team at Ashtead Technology?

Working with my colleagues at Ashtead Technology is fantastic; we foster a culture of support and collaboration, ensuring that our deliverables meet high standards. Each of us is driven to excel in our roles. We work with the latest technology in the industry, keeping us ahead of the curve in terms of skillet and technological knowledge.

The dynamic nature of our work ensures that each day brings new challenges and opportunities. Personally, I’ve had the chance to travel to Holland, while our team members have travelled to Singapore, Dubai and Houston to support our teams across the world. The role provides ample opportunities to travel and explore different parts of the world!

Can you share a piece of work you were part of that was a highlight in your career?

A highlight for me was the trio to Ijmuiden, Holland last year to assist one our clients. We successfully implemented a modification on a subsea multiplexer, enabling our client to seamlessly transition to the next phase of their survey project with minimal downtime. It was great achievement and a positive outcome for all involved.

What piece of advice would you give Trainee’s in their first role?

For trainees starting their first role, I would emphasize the importance of being proactive and open-minded. Take imitative to learn as much as you can about your role, the company and the industry. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek guidance from colleagues. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and maintain a positive attitude even during the inevitable setbacks. Finally, remember that building strong relationships with your team and demonstrating reliability and professionalism are key factors in your success.

Interested in a traineeship with Ashtead Technology?

Rachel Buchan joined Ashtead Technology last year as a marketing intern. With her innovative ideas and unwavering enthusiasm, Rachel has quickly become an integral part of our team.

We asked Rachel to reflect on her time with Ashtead Technology so far.

Tell us about your internship at Ashtead Technology, so far?

I started my year-long internship within the marketing department in May last year. During my internship, I have been supporting the team with event planning, brand management, corporate communications and global marketing.

Ashtead Technology pride themselves on their market leadership and level of expertise within the business. The depth of knowledge and enthusiasm displayed by my colleagues on a daily basis never fails to impress me. With a strong focus on people, Ashtead Technology fosters a supportive environment where everyone is eager to lend a hand and take the time to provide guidance and explanations, which has been particularly beneficial during my internship.

What inspired you to do an internship?

As part of my undergraduate degree, we are encouraged to carry out a year-long internship to gain valuable work place experience. I believe that experience in the field plays a crucial role in establishing a pathway for post-academic ventures. In terms of marketing, my sister was my inspiration as she is constantly enthused by her role in marketing. The energy industry holds a special significance in my family with my Dad working in the industry for around forty years. His worth ethic, expertise and enthusiasm have always inspired me. While looking into internships, he reminded me how many opportunities and room for progression there is in the industry, so it was really a no brainer.

What have you learned so far from your internship?

Throughout the course of my internship, I’ve developed a range of technical skills in marketing, covering digital marketing, event planning, content creation, and brand management. In addition to these technical skills, my newness to the energy industry has fuelled a continuous expansion of my knowledge in this sector. Lastly, I’ve gained various personal skills during my placement – there’s a noticeable improvement in my confidence, adaptability, and communication since the start of my internship.

What have you enjoyed about your internship so far?

I would say the best part of my internship so far has been contributing to event planning, as it provides an outlet for my creative skills. Observing an event’s journey from the planning stage to its execution is really fulfilling. Shortly after joining, I became a part of the social committee, where I actively participate in event planning for employee social events and charitable initiatives. The committee provides a fantastic opportunity for me to merge into the company culture and share my ideas. I have also enjoyed connecting with individuals at industry events, thanks to the social aspect of my role.

What do you hope to achieve in your time here?

I aspire to continuously broaden my understanding of marketing initiatives and contribute to the success of the marketing team, whilst deepening my familiarity with the energy sector. I aim to acquire enough experience to confidently secure a job after my graduation from university next May.

What advice would you give to anyone considering an internship? 

I highly recommend pursuing an internship to anyone. The experience you gain is invaluable – it not only provides insights into your future career, but also develops personal skills, including confidence, teamwork, and independence. My advice to anyone starting an internship is to actively engage by joining committees, interacting with colleagues, attend industry events, and be proactive.